An End-time Prophet
The Watchman, Joseph Kabuleta is called to raise an army that will awaken the church to the urgency of the soon return of Jesus Christ. Diligently heeding this call led to the birth of The Watchman Ministries
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Prophecies And Projections For 2024
Diabolic Music
Since time immemorial, music has had its way, from reverberating off the golden walkways in heaven to powerfully ringing through the hearts of men, music has cut through boundaries of culture, religion and race. No wonder then, that such a powerful tool of worship is now used by the cohorts of darkness to turn men’s heart from the true God and subconsciously worship the god of this world through subliminal music.
Become a Partner
Join the Finance Army of believers that have a special mandate to carry this end-time message to the four corners of the world with their finance. Enjoy supernatural abundant provision as you partner, for what a man sows, he shall surely reap!
The False Prophet
Who would have thought that one of the most revered religious figures would in fact be very likely to usher in the anti-Christ himself! Sounds too far fetched? Watch this video to learn why it’s not just likely, but almost certain. For a pope to be a Jesuit and Freemason all together spells a dangerous sign of deliberate diabolic tactic.
The Watchman Magazine
The eighth issue of the Watchman Magazine is out, buy your copy now!

The Great Reset – You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy
Shocking, deplorable, wicked whatever evil word you may conjure up, may not begin to describe the spirit behind the not so Great Reset and what the architects in chief of this agenda have in mind for you. Every other article I read or video I watched added a thick blanket of darkness to this evil reset making it seem like a literal walk in hell’s bowels. Soon I decided to share my gory findings with one of the people that quickly jumped on the Covid-19 bandwagon. But before I could get midway through the preamble she interjected; “Oooh I know what you are talking about. That’s what used to happen in Tanzania in the 80s’.” Shocked that a neighbouring country had experienced a foretaste of the Great Reset decades ago, I maintained my silence urging her to go on. “When the Tanzanians toppled Idi Amin, their soldiers were very shocked that young children in Uganda owned watches. Back in Tanzania, they owned no personal stuff.” This failed to strike a chord with a phrase associated with the Great Reset; “You’ll own nothing but still be happy”. In many ways this story of the Tanzanian soldiers upon taking over Kampala sounded like a shadow of what was ahead; a pilot study of sorts featuring real people, suffering real problems.
Anyway, my continued silence beckoned her to continue. “They were even shocked that people owned personal radios, because back in Tanzania a radio was communally owned.
excerpt – The Watchman Magazine | Issue 8
There is no way you are going to survive in this era when your Christianity is ‘just talking’; there has to be something tangible!
- Joseph KabuletaSubscribe to Our Mailing List
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